The blog is being ignored.I know that fact.My parents are performing hajj which is their dream.I am really happy for that.Though the diploma students are on holiday, there are degree students and I saw some familiar faces.yipee....they are now officially degree students and having hard time adjusting to the demands of being degree students.I am not worried as I keep telling them they will survive..I hope that wouldn't put pressure on them.I really believe in them.
Next week is the launch of Speaker's Corner.I am given the opportunity to work with some new lecturers.It is great to know them and to tease them.That is the perk of being seniors.We gave Essentials of Professional English , Two Strangers & Other Poems and the pricey Lambert book as the gifts for the VIPs.Too bad Travel Tales is in the midst of printing.I do want the books to be read by students and teachers.Somebody said to me I wrote many books.So far, there are 5 published books and one in the midst of printing.One is in the revising process , two in the midst of writing.Collaborative writing does work and produces a lot of books for us.You just have to keep writing .Sometimes, it is your turn to shine and other time, it is other people's turns.
Next week too will be a new chapter in my life.I am about to do something scary. I will tell you more later.