Thursday, March 31, 2011
Prisoner of the House
I am stuck in my house .Even though the rain stops raining, the roads are still flooded.The route to workplace is still flooded.I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day as I could go back to work.Right now I am working from home.Thankfully I have a complete workplace and it has been a productive day.After yesterday incident when the car was nearly stranded due to the flood, I have to be careful.The back of my house is still full of water as the rain was too heavy yesterday and I have to drain the water off my backyard.The house is so strange in the way that once water is in the house, it is hard to let it out. However, I am so lucky and thankful as I am spared from the flood this time. I learn to check the conditions of the flooded roads at this website (
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Flooding Arau
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It is still raining in Perlis
The rain stopped for a while and then it continues raining.As I am typing these words, it is still raining.I think that with continuous raining, there will be flood soon as the level of water in some rivers are nearly reaching the level of the roads.I hope that the students would be using their umbrellas and raincoats as there are only three more weeks to go for the Final.I know that some of the male guys don't think it is macho to wear umbrellas during rainy days.So do wear your raincoats.I went to C-Mart to stock our food in case of flood.It is better to be prepared.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Tale of the Evil Cane
I lived in Lekir, Setiawan once in a rustic kampung where my mom was a school clerk.We stayed at the school quarter which was in secluded area behind the school buildings.I made great friends there and life was superb there.My mother believed in a strict rule which required us to go out for play at 5.30 p.m. and returned home before maghrib.We had to take our bath before maghrib azan or we had to pay the price.Sometimes being children, my brother and I would be immersed in playing with our friends till we forgot the rule.We tried to sneak out into the house without her knowing and being a small one-room house, nothing escaped her eyes.My mom had a cane. That cane was used to cane us when we broke the rules. So she would take out a cane and chased us.We would run out from the house and ran around the school buildings with our mother chasing us to the amusement of the school guard.She was a fast runner so we would always lose.
Few days after the incident, we would adhere to the rule .Then life would be too exciting and we would be chased and caned again by our dearest mother.Till one day my brother and I decided to end the tragedy of being chased and caned .We decided to get rid of the evil cane .We stole the cane and ran away to an old well not far from the house.We threw away the evil cane and laughed joyously.Somehow my mother knew the cane was missing and asked us .We didn't confess of our sin.
I think she knew and until now she suspects we threw the cane away.After the disappearance of the evil cane,my mother stopped chasing and caning us . So we thought we did the right thing.We had saved our family from the evil cane !Till this day, we never confess that we did it.I am so proud that my brother could keep this secret from my mother for a long time .Or did he tell her long time ago?
Few days after the incident, we would adhere to the rule .Then life would be too exciting and we would be chased and caned again by our dearest mother.Till one day my brother and I decided to end the tragedy of being chased and caned .We decided to get rid of the evil cane .We stole the cane and ran away to an old well not far from the house.We threw away the evil cane and laughed joyously.Somehow my mother knew the cane was missing and asked us .We didn't confess of our sin.
I think she knew and until now she suspects we threw the cane away.After the disappearance of the evil cane,my mother stopped chasing and caning us . So we thought we did the right thing.We had saved our family from the evil cane !Till this day, we never confess that we did it.I am so proud that my brother could keep this secret from my mother for a long time .Or did he tell her long time ago?
Flashflood in Arau
It struck again.It started all with the dark clouds hovering to rain and the heaving rain pouring from the sky.I saw a neighbour frantically going around our houses.I thought to myself bad thing was going to happen.I went to peek at the drain which was full of water.I told my housemate that we got to close the bathroom drain by stuffing the plasticine into the bathroom drain.We have closed the other bathroom for good.Thank God for the swift action as the water kept coming from houses on the higher ground and somehow swirling at our porch.We had to move two cars from the porch.The water was unable to get into the house as there was a stone fort barricading the front door.I thank God for all.The damage was none but it will strike again.Thank God that this is not our house and am looking for another place to rent. This is not the house to stay for a long time.
Save the cars, Save the World.
The mighty fort
The brilliant Inventor
Save the cars, Save the World.
The mighty fort
The brilliant Inventor
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Fabulous Four
Seri Kedah Gardeniaa Resort
I always wanted to visit Seri Kedah Gardeniaa Resort, Mukim Hosba .Today I went there.It is a beautiful rustic place which requires refurbishment.The resort has a large swimming pool and charges the locals RM4 for two hours.We saw several locals enjoying their time at a very large swimming pool.Mr. Raj (019-4817197) who welcomed us was a very friendly man.He assured us that the facilities would be upgraded.The resort is a beautiful resort with kampung environment.It has great potential.Come and experience this resort! Check their website at .
The most-anticipated Workshop in March
Every semester, we are assigned to handle Reading Workshop for MUET.It is just a two hour workshop but there would be plenty of things to do before the workshop.I was on reading spree on how to conduct a good workshop and how to squeeze everything students need to know in 2 hour workshop.Having a great partner like my Reading partner makes work more interesting and exciting.In order to be a good reader, you need to read a lot of different reading materials.It is just like dancing, singing or driving, reading skills require a lot of practice.Furthermore you need to use your dictionary if you do not know the meaning of the words.I would always use a conventional dictionary or online dictionary(
It was good to see my former students and present students in the workshop.It was good to see Farieza, Diana , Nurha, Farha and others .It was a little bit chaotic and I would like to apologize if the students couldn't participate well in the workshop. I was a little worried if I was too tired for the workshop and I was worried that I would be late.I attended another workshop the night before in Swiss-Inn Sg Petani.This was possible to my best friend who did the driving. I did ask several students of mine and some volunteers to help me carrying all the stuff from the car park to the venue.Seeing familiar faces and beloved faces in the audience helped me to do my job.Thank you people.I know how hard it is for you to wake up early in the morning and spend your cherished weekend with us.I am glad that I have the chance to be once again with all of you.
It was good to see my former students and present students in the workshop.It was good to see Farieza, Diana , Nurha, Farha and others .It was a little bit chaotic and I would like to apologize if the students couldn't participate well in the workshop. I was a little worried if I was too tired for the workshop and I was worried that I would be late.I attended another workshop the night before in Swiss-Inn Sg Petani.This was possible to my best friend who did the driving. I did ask several students of mine and some volunteers to help me carrying all the stuff from the car park to the venue.Seeing familiar faces and beloved faces in the audience helped me to do my job.Thank you people.I know how hard it is for you to wake up early in the morning and spend your cherished weekend with us.I am glad that I have the chance to be once again with all of you.
Create motivation and interest
Read a lot of different reading materials
Develop a wide range of reading interests
Identify structure of paragraphs
Identify methods of organization
Anticipate and Predict
Know how deeply to study the material( scan, skim, speed read, SQ3R)
Pay attention to supporting cues
Highlight words
Build a good vocabulary – vocabulary log
Monitor your reading effectiveness
Read actively( mind maps, taking notes)
Read a lot of different reading materials
Develop a wide range of reading interests
Identify structure of paragraphs
Identify methods of organization
Anticipate and Predict
Know how deeply to study the material( scan, skim, speed read, SQ3R)
Pay attention to supporting cues
Highlight words
Build a good vocabulary – vocabulary log
Monitor your reading effectiveness
Read actively( mind maps, taking notes)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Of Uncles and Memories
A student of mine lost her uncle today due to an unfortunate accident.She was grieving while waiting for her relative to fetch her.All I could do was offering her my condolence.Losing someone we love is never easy and sometimes can be unbearable.Last year I lost my uncle to an unfortunate accident during the fasting month.He was the last uncle I had.This uncle of mine was the one that I loved teasing.I lost my other two uncles years ago and I would always miss them.My uncles were my surrogate fathers .They were father figures to all their nephews and nieces.They would always have time for us and they had no problem telling us our mistakes.Nobody could claim that they were the favourite ones as all of us were their favourites.So now all of us cope with our loss by sharing our favourite moments with our beloved uncles during family reunions. My uncles were not millionaires or well-known figures. Yet they must be successful people as they touched many hearts loving them.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
300 participants for Muet Workshop on 26-27 Mac 2011
I was informed that there would be 300 participants this coming Saturday.More chairs would be put in LT2.So I do hope all of you would come earlier so you get the best seats in the LT.Please have your breakfast or bring some nourishing food (not nasi lemak or roti canai)so you could eat during break.You need all the energy for the workshop.The session starts at 8.30 a.m. and ends at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday.Muet Workshop continues at 9 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. on Sunday.The workshop on Sunday will focus on Writing. We will start Muet Workshop by having Reading Workshop early in the morning.I am hoping to see my former students and I expect them to sit in front.Is that asking too much ? I do miss them.
14 year old boy on the run
He should be in school right now.He is a rebel without a cause.He wants to work and can't wait to be an adult.He drives his mother to sickness and his dad to craziness.All who love him are sucked into this insane game of catch-me-if-you-can.This is another case of the aftermath of broken dreams and broken families.After the parents heal their broken hearts , they have to deal with their heartbroken children.Some are lucky as they have well-balanced kids who find other alternatives such as sports, schools and good friends.Others are not so lucky.This boy on the run is a boy that is loved by us.He is a really good kid and the type that would kiss your hand when he sees you.He has developed this runaway tendency since he was ten years old.This time is the worst one.Nobody would know he is just 14 years old as he looks like he is 17 years old.He should know by now running would never solve any problem.Just come home, dear boy.It is never too late.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Engagement
The man led us to the most challenging route and we were led to believe that we were going nowhere as the endless zig zag road heading to nowhere.We thought it had to be love.When we reached the place, other relatives reached there earlier as they took shorter and less challenging route by not following the man.Luckily the ceremony, the hospitality,the food and the fiancée were comely.The man was once upon a time a beloved naughty boy that took all of us on his impulsive escapades.All the best !
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Hi & Bye
Just got back from the land of Silver.Managed to return Ms. House guest safely. She is counting days to be the house guest again.We are that good, I presume.I saw my aunt today.She was still bedridden but she looked healthier.She could still crack jokes however she complained that she was feeling unwell.I am thankful for all.I am too tired as it was raining heavily.On the way to Juru, there was an accident involving eight cars.Thankfully everyone was safe.Once again I am thankful for all.Have a good night! Sweet dream.Lets us be thankful for all we have.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It's School Holiday
These days I am busy entertaining a house guest.She finds out that her dream house is not in Perlis.So we stop showing her lovely bungalows in Perlis.So far she keeps dreaming going to C-Mart.Ipoh might have Jaya Jusco but it does not have the eclectic C-Mart.She likes Cindai Klasik Kafe and Mai Cafe.She seems to be hungry most of the time.Perhaps Perlis is really a food paradise or I keep showing visitors where to eat delicious food.I just got my Kelisa back.Obviously the workshop owner lost my phone number and was frantically searching for us. It's a beauty without any dent and new paint.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Grand Launch of Seri Malaysia, Perlis
I shed lots of tears
I saw my aunt last week.She was lying helplessly on bed taking her rest.I couldn't stop crying.I am not the type that cry easily.This time I couldn't stop crying.It was too much.I love her very much.The last time I saw her she was walking happily and before I went back, she did profess her fear of not seeing me again.She could recognise me but she was too frail.My cousin reassured me that she was getting better.My aunt did lecture us to take care of ourselves despite her illness.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Ya* and her guardian angels
My niece; Ya*,called me out of the blue.I was pleasantly surprised.
A*****, how are you? Have you eaten? This is Ya*
Could you buy me a pair of blue jeans?
I love you.
How could I deny such a simple request from an adorable three years old girl.Last Hari Raya, I did buy her a pair of adorable jeans -cum-skirt.Obviously she loves it so much so now I am appointed as her official jeans buyer.
After that her father called me .Obviously he wanted to explain his daughter's mission.
Kak ****, Ya* wanted to speak to all of you ( there are six of us ).Apparently she was calling all six of us using her father's phone and she was searching for my sister.Apparently she wanted the six of us to buy things for her. Obviously we are her guardian angels to grant her six wishes.That is so smart.
Then my sister called me excitedly saying that the little girl managed to get hold of her.She wanted my sister to buy her a chicken burger ! A chicken burger?
Ya*, I could buy you a chicken burger anytime!
A*****, how are you? Have you eaten? This is Ya*
Could you buy me a pair of blue jeans?
I love you.
How could I deny such a simple request from an adorable three years old girl.Last Hari Raya, I did buy her a pair of adorable jeans -cum-skirt.Obviously she loves it so much so now I am appointed as her official jeans buyer.
After that her father called me .Obviously he wanted to explain his daughter's mission.
Kak ****, Ya* wanted to speak to all of you ( there are six of us ).Apparently she was calling all six of us using her father's phone and she was searching for my sister.Apparently she wanted the six of us to buy things for her. Obviously we are her guardian angels to grant her six wishes.That is so smart.
Then my sister called me excitedly saying that the little girl managed to get hold of her.She wanted my sister to buy her a chicken burger ! A chicken burger?
Ya*, I could buy you a chicken burger anytime!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Broken hearts and Broken families
My heart goes to young people who blame themselves for their parents' broken marriages and divorces.Don't be too hard on yourselves and on your parents.Accept the fact.It is not your fault.It is not your parents' faults.Definitely it is not God's fault!Nobody gets married for the sake of divorces.Sometimes love and passion died.At times bad things do happen to good people.Most of the time your parents too are confused and scared.Try to be understanding.Remember your own break up and how sad it is to have your heart being trampled by your loved ones.Your parents are just humans.Sometimes being humans, when in pain we tend to forget the agony of others.Do you get over all of this excruciating pain ? Of course you do.You have your parents, siblings, relatives , friends and concerned strangers for support.Sometimes because the pain is too much, you feel so alone .If you still think that you are alone,you should be reminded that God is always there.Do pray!Someday you realise that the blaming game is for cowards .You realise that because of all the pain, you are stronger and braver. You dare to take more chances. You realise you are able to smile once again.Congratulations! You are finally a responsible adult!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Great food in Arau
My family think that I love food so much since I did blog about food.Since Arau becomes livelier and trendier, restaurants seem to appear from nowhere.My present favourite one would be SinggahRasa Utara.If you use the main road, you should drive straight.The restaurant is the last lot on your right.It does sell great nasi goreng paprik , satay, pau and other malay and western food at reasonable prices.One of my friends think that they have the cheapest price for a plate of fried rice.Do go there at night because then it is easier to imagine that you are not in Arau.There are so many people and it is so lively.Another attraction ( at least to me) is the restaurant is managed by my former student and her hubby.She still remembers me...and I do remember her.That would be a great reason to eat there apart from delicious food at reasonable prices.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A to- do list
Today is a tiring day for me.I am so exhausted and I have crossed a lot in my to-do list. I am one of those boring people who carry with them a to-do list. Without that list, I am helpless and hopeless. I am lost without the list and not the type of person who goes through the day figuring out what to do. I am a list person.So every night I would spend some time writing things that I have to do the next day.When the day comes, I would be looking at the list and I am on my way to do all the tasks.There are days when I just go with the flow and blessed with the serendipity of achieving all .However these days are rare.So do you have a to-do list or just go with the flow?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tat Nasi Ayam Arau....
I was told that there will be a new restaurant few doors away from Metro Inn, Arau as we were passing Metro Inn. That restaurant is still under construction so I looked at the restaurant signage. Then I saw it..Tat Nasi Ayam.Oh wow.....Arau is getting more interesting.Arau used to be dull or is still dull to some people.You can't compare the subtle beauty of Arau with other happening cities sprawled with shopping malls and beaches . With C-Mart , some small shops and restaurants around, Arau has waken from its sleep and becoming more interesting.If only McDonald's is here, then some people in Arau would be contented.Dream on...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Oxford oh..Oxford
I was asked by an immigration officer of my visit to UK.She asked me my plan in UK.I told her I planned to visit Oxford University.She asked me why.I just told her that cos I did not have the opportunity to study in Oxford.I found Oxford as grand as I imagined it to be in my dream.The university was full of old charming and historical buildings and there were a lot of intelligent looking students walking around the campus.There were rows of charming stores.It was just heavenly!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A Hard Lesson
My sister got a new car and her car's plate number bears the birth years of my mom and my sister .So my mother is so darn pleased.My sister said it was fated.My mom was beaming with pride.Is that fate? 2011 must be the year for my sister.So I thought this year I couldn't make past mistakes such as forgetting my parents' birthdays or other silly mistakes of 2010 .Today I thought that yesterday was my mother's birthday and I sang a birthday song ...My mom was silent and seemed baffled..then she laughed at me loudly .Being laughed by my own mother is not funny at all.
My mom said..."My birthday is June 10....don't you remember ?You always give me a birthday present every year !"
I said ... "Then I would be the earliest child to wish you Happy Birthday !"
I am sure that this story will be told by my mom to all (her children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, cousins and the whole universe).When I told this to my best friend, she laughed and reprimanded me for not remembering my mom's birthday.I'm sure that she would tell others too.
I learnt a hard lesson today.
NEVER FORGET YOUR MOM'S BIRTHDAY!Never compete with someone who drives a car with a plate number that bears her birth year and her mom's.
My mom said..."My birthday is June 10....don't you remember ?You always give me a birthday present every year !"
I said ... "Then I would be the earliest child to wish you Happy Birthday !"
I am sure that this story will be told by my mom to all (her children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, cousins and the whole universe).When I told this to my best friend, she laughed and reprimanded me for not remembering my mom's birthday.I'm sure that she would tell others too.
I learnt a hard lesson today.
NEVER FORGET YOUR MOM'S BIRTHDAY!Never compete with someone who drives a car with a plate number that bears her birth year and her mom's.
MATTA FAIR 2011 (MARCH 11-13 2011)
Matta Fair 2011 will be on March 11-13 2011 at PWTC.This is a much anticipated event for those who seek travel deals.Last year, I did attend the Fair and managed to purchase bargain fare to Europe.There were so many people but it was worth it.This year I won't be making the trip to the Fair as the work schedule is too hectic .That doesn't mean that you shouldn't go.Before you go , do your homework.Make sure you know where do you want to go .If not , you will be overwhelmed with too many choices.Take a deep breathe and just like any Sale, enjoy the lucrative offers.Have Fun.
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