Today we lost an angel . PM NorFaidah succumbed to her cancer battle at 5.15 a.m. She battled her cancer alone without wanting her family members and friends to worry about her. Last Friday she was admitted to the hospital and today she left us. I did visit her last Sunday.Little I knew , it was the last time I saw her . I thought she was having a lung infection and she would be back at work soon. We joked with her family members and she told me that she got two week MC. I told her to relax. In her simple way, she told me not to worry as she would be back for work.On Monday the campus was shocked when we heard that she was suffering from lung cancer Stage 4. Her family brought her to KL and she was admitted to the hospital. Even the doctors were helpless to help as she was at a terminal stage. Knowing she was sick in KL, friends drove and flew there to pay their respect. They even hold a sembahyang hajat and bacaan yasin for a dedicated person.She was surrounded by love. Kak B even said.Ui*TM owes her a lot. She would be the first one to punch in and the last one to punch out. A person who heard no evil and talk no evil.
It is hard to talk about Faidah in the past time. I have known this person since 1997. From the beginning till now she amazed me and inspired me to be a better person.Innalillah! Rest in peace dear friend.
You are missed and loved by all.